Intermittent Fasting And How It Works For Me

Have you ever heard of Intermittent Fasting? I heard about it from my son about a year and a half ago. I really didn’t understand what it was. He just told me that you don’t eat after dinner until lunch time or later the next day. Since then I have learned more about it by becoming a certified IIN health coach. There are many ways to incorporate it in your life.

intermittent fasting


For me, on most days I don’t eat until noon or maybe even a little later. In between lunch and dinner, I may grab one of my quick healthy snacks that I talked about in my blog post here. Then after dinner, I usually won’t eat. I am not rigid or strict because that doesn’t work for me. One important thing I have learned is that you have to do what will work best for you. Some people need to follow a strict plan and others don’t.

Intermittent fasting makes sense to me. I have read that your body can’t do too many things at once. It is either digesting food or healing itself. Frankly, I choose to heal. There are so many benefits to intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting really goes against everything that I have learned before about eating six small meals a day. I use to tell everyone that breakfast was the most important meal of the day. I really believed it. It may still be for some, but I feel much better when I am fasting intermittently. It has become a lifestyle choice for me.

Learning to listen to your body and how it feels when you are eating or not eating is something that is new to me. I am learning every day to listen to my body. One day, in particular, I thought I was eating something healthy for me. It was a faro salad. But I noticed right after I ate it, I could hardly keep my eyes open. I was so tired. My son had eaten with me and had eaten the same thing, so I called him and asked him how he felt and he said he felt the same way. Now, I do not eat faro.

Intermittent Fasting may end up being a fad like many other things. But for me, it is a way of life and I do feel so much better. I have also made some other adjustments in what I eat that have made a difference. The bottom line for me is not what or when I am eating, it is how do I feel before or after I eat.

Have you tried Intermittent Fasting? Let me know how you liked it?

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