The Mindful Day – Book Review

This book is a must-read for the person who wants to become more mindful. It is easy to read and implement the practices one day at a time. I would suggest reading this book as you would a devotional book.

The Mindful Day is a book I will have on my nightstand for a long time. Working one day at a time to become more mindful in all aspects of my life.

Mindfulness will help to improve our overall health and wellness. It is a form of self-care. Read my post here to find out the importance of self-care.

The Mindful Day

About The Mindful Day

ï Hardcover:†272 pages
ï Publisher:†National Geographic (March 27, 2018)

For overscheduled professionals looking to incorporate mindfulness into†their daily lives, this step-by-step guide draws on contemplative traditions,†modern neuroscience, and leading psychology to bring peace and focus to the†home, in the workplace, and beyond.†

At the pinnacle of the digital age, it’s hard to imagine packing one more thing into our overwhelmed lives. But new research shows that simple daily exercises can change the way our brain works, improve focus, lift our mood, create stronger connections, and help us develop greater resilience. In this enriching book, noted teacher and mindfulness expert Laurie Cameron provides an everyday road map to cultivate inner peace and navigate any situation with control and clarity. Timeless teachings and straightforward practices designed for busy schedules–from the morning commute to back-to-back meetings to family dinners–show how mindfulness can transform life at home, in the workplace, and beyond. A personal guide for women who have leaned in, men who want to be more effective, and professionals looking to optimize their lives, this book will help readers lead their lives with intention and purpose.


Purchase Links

National Geographic | Amazon

About Laurie J. Cameron

Leadership coach and teacher LAURIE J. CAMERON combines Eastern†traditions, positive psychology, and neuroscience to help bring mindfulness†to business, education, and parenting. In† addition to founding PurposeBlue, a†leadership company dedicated to mindfulness, Cameron is a certified teacher for†Google’s Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, which uses mind† training and†modern technology to help professionals thrive. With 25 years of international†management consulting and business leadership experience, Cameron is a†sought-after speaker in the† United States, Europe, and Asia and has worked with†such companies as Google, Deloitte, NASDAQ, Scripps Networks, Accenture, Blue†Shield, Williams-Sonoma, Chevron, and H.J. Heinz.

Find out more about Laurie at her website, and connect with her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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