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In this episode of Well and Worthy Life, Alison Lewis, one of Deanna’s friends, joins to discuss their mutual love of healthy living. They get into how they first met playing tennis (but both haven’t played in years) and have some casual girl talk.
Alison is from Birmingham, Alabama, and tells us how she went from working as an editor at the highly sought after “Southern Living” magazine to raising 3 children who are all 22 months apart. After that, she has gone on to create and develop her very own travel magazine. Alison then dives into how she released her own cookbooks and what they showcase.
On her blog which she started in 2008, Alison regularly shares her favorite recipes. She recalls the first time that one of her posts blew up and the sense of accomplishment she felt. Alison explains her inspiration behind writing one of her books: 200 Best Smoothie Bowl Recipes.
Alison and Deanna discuss some of the best travel destinations they have been to and how their travel plans have been derailed because of COVID-19. We also hear about some scenes Deanna has experienced which make it seem like the pandemic is not even occurring.
Just recently Alison has begun ramping up her blog activity, so she provides us with a rundown of what to expect and comments on some recent recipes she has posted. She talks about the social media burnout that she has experienced before and then discusses Deanna’s FASTer Way to Fat Loss coaching.
Alison’s blog: http://ingredientsinc.net/
Alison on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alisonlewis/
The bread that Alison loves: Dave’s Killer Bread