Ready to embark on a transformative wellness journey designed just for you? 

Imagine rediscovering your vibrant self in the second half of life through personalized one-on-one coaching. As a woman navigating peri or post-menopause, you know that this stage brings its own set of challenges and opportunities.

Your Personal Guide to Wellness:

With one-on-one coaching, you’re not just getting a coach; you’re getting me, Deanna! Together, we’ll craft a plan that’s uniquely yours—addressing your specific needs, preferences, and goals. You’ll experience a holistic approach unique to you, focused on your overall well-being –mind, body and soul.

Why One-on-One Coaching:

I’m here to provide the individualized attention and support that can truly propel you towards your goals. It’s about more than wellness; it’s about creating a sustainable, vibrant lifestyle tailored to your individual journey.

Ready to rediscover your best self? Let’s chat and explore how personalized coaching can elevate your well-being.

Peace & Love, Deanna

Ready to embark on a transformative wellness journey designed just for you? 

Menopause health coach Deanna sitting in an office

Imagine rediscovering your vibrant self in the second half of life through personalized one-on-one coaching. As a woman navigating peri or post-menopause, you know that this stage brings its own set of challenges and opportunities.

Your Personal Guide to Wellness:

With one-on-one coaching, you’re not just getting a coach; you’re getting me, Deanna! Together, we’ll craft a plan that’s uniquely yours—addressing your specific needs, preferences, and goals. You’ll experience a holistic approach unique to you, focused on your overall well-being –mind, body and soul.

Why One-on-One Coaching:

I’m here to provide the individualized attention and support that can truly propel you towards your goals. It’s about more than wellness; it’s about creating a sustainable, vibrant lifestyle tailored to your individual journey.

Ready to rediscover your best self? Let’s chat and explore how personalized coaching can elevate your well-being.

Peace & Love, Deanna

What Happens When You Choose One-on-One Coaching:

Imagine this… In four to six months, you’re radiating confidence as you step into a room, your energy levels are soaring, and your body feels strong and vibrant. You feel more comfortable in your skin and you no longer are feeling overwhelmed by menopause symptoms. Instead, you’re embracing this stage of life with newfound vitality and zest.

This is what’s possible with my personalized one-on-one coaching program, designed to empower YOU in peri or post-menopause to achieve your wellness goals and rediscover your best self.

logo for Deanna Pizitz one on one coaching service

Here's what's included in my One-on-One Coaching Program:

Bi-Weekly Accountability Zoom Calls

Schedule bi-weekly 45-minute Zoom calls for personalized check-ins, accountability, and tailored recommendations.

We'll engage in meaningful conversations so I can provide personalized guidance and support, ensuring you stay on track and motivated towards your goals. It's the small consistent changes that make the biggest impact!

Revive Now Program & Membership Community

You'll gain access to my signature Revive Now program, packed with valuable information and practical strategies for menopause wellness. Embark on a self-paced journey of discovery, empowering yourself with knowledge and tools to navigate this stage of life with grace and vitality.

You'll also get access to the supportive Revive Now Membership community, where you can connect with like-minded women on a similar journey. Surround yourself with a network of understanding peers, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual support as you navigate this transformative phase together.

Weekly Progress Tracking

You'll complete weekly progress tracking forms to help monitor your progress, identify areas for improvement, while we celebrate your achievements.

You'll witness your transformation unfold as you track your progress, gaining valuable insights and reinforcing your commitment to your well-being.

Personalized Wellness Action Plans

You'll receive comprehensive post Zoom call email follow-ups summarizing key takeaways, recommendations, and additional support resources.

With these personalized emails, you'll never feel alone or unsupported. You'll have a trusted partner in your corner, cheering you on every step of the way.

Unlimited Voxer Access*

Enjoy unlimited Voxer access to me, your dedicated coach, for ongoing support and guidance throughout the week.

Never feel alone or unsupported as you have access to personalized coaching and encouragement at your fingertips, whenever you need it most.

(*Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm)

Ready To Get Started?

*Limited Spots Available