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Deanna welcomes Bridget back for this episode on the importance of joy. Joy is one of the hardest things for people to cultivate. Bridget explains the dangers of “borrowing trouble”, which is giving attention to negative emotions and situations, which then gives them power. The two touch on the importance of positive thinking and the large role it plays in living a joyful life.
One of the most powerful ways to create joy is gratitude journaling. Deanna recommends using Gratitude, a mobile journaling app, or a physical journal to record what you are grateful for each morning or night. Doing this enables you to either start or end your day on a positive note. Seeing a list of what you are grateful for can help you bring joy back into your life during the most difficult times.
Work is one of the main areas where people can struggle to find joy. Deanna and Bridget explain the importance of finding things to love about your job, even if it is difficult. If there are negative people in your life, they stress that you should attempt to distance yourself from said negativity or at least choose to not let it affect you.
Above all, focus on progress over perfection. Baby steps are what creates progress and it is important to celebrate small successes rather than focusing on what went wrong.
What practices do you use to bring joy into your daily life? Share with Deanna on Instagram!