[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/12069323/height/90/theme/custom/thumbnail/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/a0e6cf/” width=”100%” height=”90″ scrolling=”no” class=”podcast-class” frameborder=”0″ placement=”top” use_download_link=”” download_link_text=”” primary_content_url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/wellandworthylife/Well__Worthy_Life_-_Stress_during_the_Holidays.mp3″ theme=”custom” custom_color=”a0e6cf” libsyn_item_id=”12069323″ /]Are you ready for the Holidays? I love the Holidays but sometimes there can be a whole bunch of stress that goes along with this time of year. Today I am sharing some things to think about and plan ahead to lessen your stress before it even starts.
If this helps, please let me know by sharing on social media and tagging me @wellandworthylife.