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Deanna is back with her good friend Bridget in this episode, where the two discuss the importance of proper deep breathing to relieve stress and improve overall health. Like Deanna, Bridget is a certified health coach and a graduate of the Institute of Integrated Nutrition.
Most of us do not practice deep breathing on a daily basis, even though it is one of the easiest ways that we can greatly reduce stress. Deanna and Bridget cover one of the most common excuses for not practicing deep breathing, the benefits proper breathing can have on your health and some of the best ways to integrate deep breathing into your life. These include the STOP method, as well as 4, 7, 8 breathing.
Deanna shares the positive effect of kundalini yoga, which focuses on breathing exercises, had on a family member during the early stages of dementia. She stresses how kundalini yoga can offer fantastic benefits to anyone looking to improve their physical and mental health.
Stress can manifest itself in many ways in your life; even a person living a healthy lifestyle can still be negatively affected by mismanaged stress. Deanna and Bridget offer their routines for integrating deep breathing into their lifestyles, including using apps and smartwatch technology.
Share how you integrate deep breathing into your daily life with Deanna on Instagram! @wellandworthylife
Check out Insight Timer, the app Deanna uses to practice daily deep breathing: Insight Timer