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Deanna is joined today by Jenny Ryan, founder, and creator of The Blueroot Company. Her company focuses on democratizing access to healthy food to people across the community. In these unprecedented times of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses have had to adapt to stay afloat, and The Blueroot Company is no different. Jenny shares the challenges she’s faced, how her company has been able to adapt to the new world of social distancing, and her Seven Steps of Sanity.
Life as usual has changed for everyone during these crazy times. Jenny had to rethink the health and safety of her entire team and community, while still looking to provide some sense of normalcy in their services. She and Deanna discuss both the positives and negatives of The Blueroot Company being a young, small business and how this played a role in their reaction.
Jenny shares how she realized her company was more than just a food program; it is a wellness program that benefits many in the community. In response to this, The Blueroot Company has started hosting a Sunday supper club. Jenny and Deanna discuss how the club works and the benefits of staying connected with your community in these times.
To help herself find a routine, Jenny created her Seven Steps of Sanity. These seven steps are simple things you can implement each day to provide structure and routine in your life, as well as keep you mindful and grateful for what you have.
Local businesses need your support now more than ever during this time. Please consider supporting your local food bank through either monetary or food donations.
Frontline Heroes, a Birmingham, Alabama charity focused on feeding frontline healthcare workers: https://lifelutzurious.com/frontline-heroes/
Deanna’s previous chat with Jenny: https://wellandworthylife.com/making-a-difference-in-your-community-and-filling-a-need/
The Blueroot Company:
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