Aging Powerfully: Why Aging is Good

Episode Overview

Aging hasn’t always had the best connotation. In our youth-driven culture, we often seek to avoid aging. Today’s guest, Karen Viesta, is reframing the conversation on why aging is good and how to age POWERFULLY!

Karen is a certified health and lifestyle coach who works with women in their forties and fifties who want to transform their bodies and their lives. She is the founder of Wellegant Women Coaching and host of the Well Egant Women Podcast. After going through her own midlife reinvention, Karen helps women in midlife to age powerfully, create extraordinary health and vitality, and make each new decade even better than the last.


Questions Answered

  • Why aging is good and beautiful and need not be avoided!
  • Karen’s menopause journey and how it launched her into the work she does with women today.
  • The number one change Karen made that had the biggest impact on her menopause journey?
  • What’s the key to sticking to healthy practices?
  • How has the term wellness evolved over the years?


Action Items


Key Moments in the Conversation

[3:51] There’s an expectation that we should figure out this midlife thing and just once and for all be done with it.

[13:40] I wasn’t willing to resign myself to feeling terrible. There was a part of me that thought, “no, I’m not buying that. I’m going to figure this out.” (regarding words from doctors around perimenopause)

[14:04] Your over-40 body is different from your under-40 body and you have to support it differently.

[28:34] I think a lot of women in midlife find themselves in that place where they’re looking ahead to the second half of life and questioning what they want it to look like and more importantly who do they want to be.


Welcome to the Well and Worthy Life podcast, where we celebrate the journey of midlife. I’m your host, Deanna Pizitz, menopause health and wellness coach. On this podcast, we explore the ins and outs of midlife, from perimenopause and menopause, to rediscovering your purpose and living your best life.

We’ll chat with experts and share real life stories to help you navigate this amazing time of life.

So grab your favorite drink, cozy up, or even better, put on your sneakers and head out for a walk. Let’s get started.

Hey friends, welcome back to another episode of Well and Worthy Life. I’m so excited to bring a new guest on, a new friend on, and you guys know, I love making new friends. And so when I ran across Karen, I was like, Oh my gosh, she’s one of those that I would be best friends with. We have so much in common.

So Karen Fiesta is a certified health and lifestyle coach who works with women in their forties and fifties who want to transform their bodies and their lives. She is the founder of Well Egant Women Coaching and host of the Well Egant Women Podcast.

Let me tell you, you need to go listen to so many of her episodes are so good. Just binge listen. They’re so good. After going through her own midlife reinvention, Karen helps women in midlife to age powerfully, create extraordinary health and vitality, and make each new decade even better than the last.

And I love this. I mean, you and I are so… So much in line with each other, Karen. So welcome. I’m so glad you’re here. Thank you. I’m so happy to be here. You know, I love, love, love connecting with women on Instagram and that’s how we connected at first and it just, you know, there, there are more and more of us in this.

space, helping women in their forties, fifties and beyond to feel better. And it’s funny because we’ve, we, we have gone through our own our own journey through this process, our own reinvention through this process. And I just, I love that. I love what you’re doing. You’re so amazing. So inspiring. And like I said, I did, I binge listened to so many of your episodes and I learned so much from so many people.

And I love finding a new podcast that I can, your podcasts are so consumable and they’re not too long. You know how some podcasts. You have to break them up into sections, you know, they’ll listen to them and yours are just the perfect length. So thank you. I’m so glad. Thank you. And I agree. I think one of the, the real perks of going on this podcasting journey is just the amazing people.

I’ve met, you know, the amazing people I’ve connected with in this space. And I’m just constantly, you know, learning from them and being inspired by them. So you are certainly one of those people for me as well. You know, it is so fun because, you know, I don’t think we ever quit learning. It’s just like, I tell my clients on this journey, this stage of life, it is a journey.

Like, I don’t think we ever just arrive and get there and like go, Oh, everything’s great in my life. There’s never a time like that, right? Or there may be a moment. It’s kind of like that thing they say about you. You’re only as happy as your unhappiest child. I have three boys and that was always like it was very few times that I was.

That felt good about all three of

them, but it is, but you know, it’s funny to your point, you know, I think, I think that’s why so many women feel so stuck. And so frustrated is that I think there is an expectation that. You know, we should figure out this midlife thing and just once and for all be done with it. And I think that, you know having the mindset that, that you just spoke of the mindset of, you know, it’s, it’s a journey and, you know, we’re going to go through waves and sometimes it’s going to be amazing and we’re riding the wave and other times it’s going to take us down.

But, but, you know, knowing that. We have the ability to learn and we have support in a community and we have resources and we have, you know, resilience. I think that takes all the pressure off, right? It takes, it helps us to take all of our power back, really. Because I think the thing that’s most disconcerting about midlife Is the feeling that we’re powerless and I think the minute that we reframe it as an opportunity to learn and grow and, you know, really.

The ability to design a pretty extraordinary second half of life if we’re committed to that, then I think it, it really makes us feel so much more powerful. I’m not a fan of the term aging gracefully. I don’t know how you feel about it, but to me… I used to use that term a lot, but I don’t use that term so much anymore, yeah.

I feel like it has to me like a certain resignation, like, you know, well, I can’t really do anything about it. So I might as well just accept it and do it gracefully. And I, I feel like, you know, I love the term aging powerfully because that implies to me like. You know, I’m in the driver’s seat and, and there’s so much that I can control and I can really design an incredible second half of life, you know, and, and I can feel very powerful doing it.

So, so I think that little, you know, shift that little bit of a reframe really takes. For me, you know, it took a lot of the frustration and the overwhelm out of the midlife experience and it enabled me to see it as more of an opportunity and more of an exciting time because it’s kind of like the bridge to the second half of my life and, and, you know, I can view that in a way that makes that feel very exciting to me.

Right. And I love that because I do think it is this thing where that we are powerful, that we do have choices, that we can, there are choices that we can make, how we nourish our bodies. There, there is a choice that we make. I, you know, I know that you’ve pretty much given up alcohol. I’ve pretty much given up alcohol just because it doesn’t serve us well, you know?

And so, and it’s not anything that we had. Issues with it was just that we learn and that that’s just a choice we make and everybody gets to make any kind of choices they want to. But if you want to age powerfully, I love that. If you want to age powerfully, then you have to make certain choices that are going to get you in that direction.

Yeah. And I think, you know, I think we’re always, as you said, at a choice point. And again, the minute we think about things that way, it really helps us to take our power back. And I think one of the beautiful things about all of the physical challenges that happen in midlife you know, it’s easy to sort of look at them and say, midlife is terrible and I feel terrible and I’m gaining weight and I’m not sleeping.

One of the beautiful things about that is that it forces us. To really prioritize how we feel in a way that, you know, when you’re in your twenties and your thirties, if you’re not sleeping well, you, you kind of have the energy reserves and the ability to compensate for that. But when you hit a certain age, it gets really a lot harder to compensate for.

You know, that glass of wine that disrupts your sleep or, you know, the days that you’re missing your your workout, right? It’s it’s your body is much more sensitive to things. So, I think, you know, while it can be frustrating when you’re trying to figure things out and you’re not quite. I there yet. I think it really does force us to prioritize how we feel and then allow that to drive a lot of the choices we make.

I mean, you and I both find alcohol very disruptive to our sleep and you know, I’m, I’m assuming you’re like me. I love the way I feel on a full night’s sleep. So that glass of wine just most of the time, it isn’t worth it to me. Yeah. There are times that I say, you know, I’d really love a glass of wine with this meal or.

You know, I was recently on vacation and when I was away, you know, I enjoyed the wines of that region. So yes, it’s, it’s not a, you know, this, this really restrict, you know, it’s not this, this strict restriction, but it is more a choice because I just really value sleep and I know how much better I feel when I’ve slept.

So, so yeah, I agree with you. I think it’s all about, you know, just choices. So let me ask you this about the alcohol. So you were in Italy and did you notice the alcohol affecting your sleep when you did drink the wine? You know, my sleep generally when I’m away is so disrupted anyway because of the jet lag and the, you know, I, I couldn’t really tell you, I think I probably slept better on this trip than I usually do because I was taking NyQuil.

I had a, I had a head cold going in. So I think the, you know, I, I was taking cold medicine at night. So it was a little bit hard to tell, but, but yes, I mean, normally even one drink, I will find myself, I don’t have trouble falling asleep, but I’ll find myself waking up in the middle of the night. Well, so this past weekend I was at a wedding and I had one drink.

I had a vodka tonic and it. Just that one little block of tonic interrupted my sleep. But when I was in I was in France and Italy in May and I was there for about 20, 21 days. So I was there for a good amount of time. So I got adjusted very well. And and I drank some wine while I was there and I’m telling you, it did not affect my sleep.

Because it’s not all the preservatives and all the stuff that we have in the wine here. So I will say that it was amazing. I still didn’t drink much because I just didn’t want to go down that, that road. It just, you know, it’s kind of like, I kind of play it forward. Like, well. It’s going to, you know, I also don’t like to drink my calories.

I like to, you know, so that was one of the things, but more than anything, it’s the sleep to be perfectly honest. And so I, but having a glass of wine did not affect me over there. Like it does here. Yeah. You know, I, I’ve never drank organic wines. But I do hear that the organic wines don’t have quite the same effect and they’re not quite as disruptive.

So it, it could very well be the, you know, whether it’s the pesticides or whatever it is that we’re, we’re taking in with the wine. Maybe that’s what it is, but yeah, I’d like you, I’m, I’m most of the times. But most of the time I just don’t chance it. I just would rather err on the side of being cautious.

Right. Well, I worked too hard on that sleep. And to me, that was like, that was one of my big, big big signs of perimenopause was that not sleep.


Hey there beautiful souls. It’s Deanna and I’ve got something incredibly special to share with you. Are you in the midst of a whirlwind that is peri or post menopause, feeling a bit lost, struggling with those stubborn symptoms and the unwelcome guests we call belly fat? I totally get it. I’ve been there too.

But guess what? There’s a bright light waiting for you. A transformative journey where you’re not alone. It’s called the Revive Now Membership. And it’s more than just a program. It’s your sanctuary. Your guide to embrace this new chapter with open arms. Picture this, a community of incredible women, just like you, supporting, uplifting, and empowering each other.

We talk nutrition, fitness, and yes, that pesky belly fat too. We dive deep into self love, body positivity, and finding your inner strength. I created this space because I understand the struggles. The late night worries and the desire for change. I want you to experience life with vitality and confidence and with a community that understands your journey intimately.

So here’s your invitation. Click the link in the show notes to visit our Revive Now membership page. Dive into the details, feel the warmth of our community and imagine a life where you’re not just surviving menopause. but thriving in it. Let’s make this chapter the most vibrant and empowering one yet.

Come join me. Let’s revive your spirit, your health and your joy. Click the link and let’s start this beautiful journey together. See you inside.


So let’s go back to your journey and and perimenopause. And, oh, first of all, did you even think perimenopause when you started having symptoms? Like, tell us a little bit about your journey.

Yeah. So, you know, I, I was certified as a health coach back in 2012. So 2017 rolls around, I’m 48 years old and I ended that year a 24 year marriage. So when I started having symptoms, You know, I, I was really, you know, I had anxiety, I wasn’t sleeping, all of those things could have very easily been attributed to just my, you know, emotional turmoil.

It was a really traumatic experience as anybody who’s gone through a divorce knows, especially after a long marriage like that. So, so my first knee jerk reaction, you know, was not. Oh, I’m in perimenopause. I really was thinking it was emotional. And so, you know, I did what everybody does in those situations.

I went and saw a therapist and I, you know, went to my doctor and, and I have to tell you, I didn’t hear a lot of encouraging messages. I heard a lot of the same thing over and over, you know, doctors would say, Well, you know, you’re, you’re over 40 and this is just kind of what happens and it’ll pass or they would say, you know, well, this is just perimenopause it’s, it happens to everybody, you know, on, on the flip side of it, you know, I was trying to deal with the emotional stuff, but to be honest, I just, I felt terrible all the time I was exhausted because I wasn’t sleeping, I was stressed.

So I just felt like I was, it was a perfect storm and I was a perfect mess. And I, but I just wasn’t willing to resign myself. to feeling terrible. Like in my mind, I think I, I, maybe it’s just my stubbornness, but like, there was a part of me that was just like, no, I’m not buying that. And I’m going to figure this out.

And, and I was, it was especially frustrating for me because I had. My nutrition training and I was exercising and I was doing everything quote, unquote, right, right. I thought I was doing everything that was best supporting my body. The problem was, I really didn’t know that you’re over 40 body is different from your under 40 body and, and you have to support it differently.

So I just made it my mission. I said, you know, if I can’t find the expert that I need. Then I’m going to become that expert and I took some advanced certifications in women’s wellness and I, you know, changed doctors. I was speaking to experts in the field. I really just learned everything I could about perimenopause and postmenopause and, and kind of, you know, how to care for your over 40 body.

And within a period of. You know, it wasn’t very long. I would say it was probably a period of about eight to 10 months. Every area of my life changed. I mean, I was a, I was different physically. I was different emotionally. I just felt like everything came into balance so much so that other people started asking me, you know, what, what supplements are you taking and what are you doing?

And you know, and I realized, I kind of realized at that point, like, wow, this is, this is really Transcribed A mystery for most women, and so that was when I kind of. I began to devote my coaching practice exclusively to women over 40. And that’s when I, you know, developed my website and my podcast and my programs and stuff.

And, and so, you know, that’s, that’s really what drove it. And I think so many times, right, where we’re teaching what we, what’s the expression you teach what you most need to learn. I think, you know, that’s, that’s what happens, right? We go through our own struggles, we kind of figure it out and then we can become a hopeful voice for other women who are struggling.

I love that. I love that hopeful voice. Okay. So what, I mean, I know that there were probably a few changes, maybe a lot of changes that you made, but what were some of the changes that you made that you felt like made the most difference? Well, it’s funny cause we touched on one of them, which is, which is just reframing aging.

You know, I think I think one of the, one of the benefits as traumatic as divorce is for me, one of the benefits of it was that I kind of realized that I, it was up to me to create my life, right? There was nobody else that I could. either lean on to create it or blame when it wasn’t what I wanted it to be.

Like, it kind of forced me to just take 100 percent responsibility for my life. And that meant taking 100 percent responsibility for my health because I realized that I was never really going to feel Great emotionally. If I was operating from this place of being physically depleted. So so I think first there was just that taking responsive full responsibility for my life and my choices and my future.

And once I did that. You know, I, I really I changed to an anti inflammatory diet. I call it my midlife glow up. In fact, I, I have, I have a free resource, which I’m happy to share with your listeners called the midlife glow up guide. And I kind of outline in that guide, a lot of the steps that, that I took because.

Nothing I did was a big sweeping change. I’m not really a fan of the overhaul. I think especially when you’re going through a traumatic situation or when you’re, you know, at a place in your life where you’re feeling really terrible. The last thing we need is to burden ourselves. With a complete overhaul of nutrition and exercise and, you know, I need to wake up and meditate for a half an hour every day and I need to do a cold plunge and, you know, it can so easily overwhelm us.

So I think for me, what was important was small, manageable changes. That I did consistently over time and, you know, little by little, I just started feeling better and little by little I started sleeping more and I started you know, the anxiety started to dissipate, I think. You know, for one of the things I never realized about perimenopause is that anxiety is a huge symptom that many women struggle with.

I, I was really attributing that to all the emotional stuff. I didn’t realize there was a hormonal component of that. So once I adopted a more anti inflammatory diet and once I started doing things like eliminating alcohol and really prioritizing my sleep, you know, it was really these, these little small changes.

That just, you know, I was just super consistent about it. And you know, let’s face it, it’s easy to be consistent. PE people will always try to rely on discipline. And while I think discipline’s a beautiful thing, right? It doesn’t take you far. You know what, what for me, helped me to stick with these healthy practices was the fact that I was starting to feel.

Better and better. And that was very motivating to me. You know, I, I knew like, Oh, this, you know, this is, this is working and I’m feeling good. So, so yeah, it made it that much easier to resist that glass of wine, or it made it that much easier to avoid, you know, those sweets because I could really see that I was gaining momentum.

And I think anytime we put ourselves in a position where we can, we can start to feel those little wins, it’s hugely motivating and encouraging. You are speaking my language. I mean, like I talk about this all the time. It’s not just the one big thing that we do that changes. It’s these small little changes that we do consistently over time.

It has to be sustainable. Yeah. And so many times you know, people think I just have to go all in. I’ve got to be good. Have you heard that before? I have to just be good this week. You know, I mean you know, it’s. Or the wagon. Right? You fall off the wagon. I keep telling people there’s no wagon.

Exactly. It’s, you know, sometimes I’ll even say in my messaging on Instagram, I’ll say something about being off track. And I really don’t like to use that term, but that’s what people understand so much. Right. Because I mean, really the whole thing is that, is that we have to give ourself grace. And if you want to be able to do something long term, if you want a lifestyle, you have to believe that you know, it starts with your own beliefs and your affirmations of yourself and what do you believe about yourself and then.

And then it’s just doing these small things that make a big difference. I mean, you know, and I think the other thing is you cannot compare your journey to anybody else’s journey, right? Everybody’s journey is going to look different. And you know, I love social media for so many things, but the one thing I don’t like about social media is how you can sit there and compare yourself.

To so many people to not a good place. I always ask somebody if they’re scrolling, I’m like do you feel better after scrolling? If you feel worse, you need to get off of it. No, you just stop it. So, or, or, or you need to, you know, I, I also have gotten, as I’ve gotten older, really Really particular about what I consume, you know who I follow.

What are the messages that are, you know, to me encouraging and uplifting. So I do think that, you know, we get better as we get older at kind of curating the environment that we want. And, and one thing that you kind of touched on it reminded me You know, when, whenever we’re talking about wellness practices, I think it’s, it’s important to remember we are a whole woman, right?

We’re not just our nutrition or our exercise. And so whatever we do has to be something that, that is manageable within the context of our life. Right. And, and it’s one of the things I love about. You know, right now we have kind of an expanded definition of wellness. It used to be years ago, if you talked about wellness, you were talking about diet and exercise.

And now we know that it incorporates things like stress management. There is, you know, relationship, right? Like our relationships are really important to our wellness. Finances are important to our wellness, right? Like if we want to really, Think about the second half of our life and creating a life that is really vital and vibrant and powerful.

It means addressing all these different areas of our life. So we can’t sort of chop up our life into these compartments and, and think that. You know, if we’re addressing one, then we are quote unquote. Well, I think it’s important that you know, as you said, when you’re making changes, they have to be sustainable.

They have to be manageable or else they’re they’re going to be more overwhelming and more stressful. And then we’re kind of undermining. Our, our overall wellness, right? Yeah. Oh, I think stress is such an important role of it that people don’t even understand that part. And really, to be honest with you, that’s probably what, what stuck out to me.

So when after my mother passed away, I was taking care of my stepfather who had Lewy body dementia and I was his primary caregiver. And as I was researching this, both my parents had passed away of cancer. So I kind of understood cancer, but I’d never really been around dementia. And and so I joined a support group and it was really amazing.

But I was in there, I realized all these, it was a lot of, spouses that were in there taking care of their spouses that had dementia and the stress they were under. And the more I researched this, those people’s health went down faster than the person with dementia. And so that’s when I thought, man, I got to get ahold of my stress because stepdad,

Looking back at my body, I can tell I had inflammation going on and it wasn’t from eating too much. It was the stress. I remember describing it to people that I felt like I was out in an ocean. Just treading water by myself and that is a scary place to be when you are just trying to keep your head above the water and you feel like you’re all alone that you’re the only one and and that that will that stress will consume your body and you know inflame your body and just Wreck havoc.

Not to mention you’re already going through it perimenopause and, and post menopause. So so anyway, which, which is why I don’t think we can separate it. I mean, I think, you know, my coaching, and I know yours too, is a blend of both health and life coaching. Mm-hmm. and I just have, you know, seen through my own experiences and so many of the women I work with that you, you just can’t separate the two.

Right. I, I mean, it’s, it’s. impossible to be really healthy physically. If emotionally you’re a mess and it’s hard to be really healthy emotionally if physically you’re a mess. So it’s, it’s, you know, really important that we understand again, that we are a whole person and there are all of these different aspects.

Of wellness that we need to be attending to, you know, it’s not just, okay, if I eat a certain way, then I’m well, you know, it’s not that simple. It used to be, I used to think if it was just, if I worked, got my workout in, I was healthy. That was enough. And when I was in my twenties and thirties, I could out exercise a bad diet, but not.

When I hit 50, 50 was like, for me, that was like, Oh, that won’t not happen anymore. You cannot exercise a bad diet. It’s true. It’s, and it’s a wake up call, right? When you, when you hit that point in your life, it really is a wake up call because we realized that, you know, we can no longer compensate as easily.

And we really need to make our wellbeing, you know, a top priority if we want to. I have an extraordinary second half of life and I can’t imagine that there’s a woman out there who doesn’t, right? Right. It’s so true. So we haven’t really touched on your reinvention of yourself, but you have reinvented yourself so many times.

I know with your divorce and, and just so share a little bit about that because I think that this is so important because it comes back to this life coaching where I find that when I’m working with my clients that all of a sudden, Women seem to come to me because all of a sudden they’re starting to be empty nesters or they’re starting to feel a little bit different and they look in the mirror first because that’s what we do first and we start judging ourself and taking everything apart.

But then it’s just so much more than that. Right. And so but so many people are scared to do. The next thing, whatever the next thing is, or reinvent themselves. So tell us a little bit about your reinvention. You know, I, I think there are times that, that women just decide, you know, I’m going to make a career change.

I’m going to move across the country. I’m going to do something. And so the change and the reinvention is something that they. They’re driving and then there are times, you know, as was the case with me where, you know, I just, I realized that I needed to end my marriage and you know, I almost felt I, even though I was the one who made the decision, I think whenever you go through a divorce, you feel.

In some ways, like it was thrust a change that was thrust upon you, you know, you’re, you’re doing this more than likely because you feel like you don’t have a choice, right? And that’s, of course, never the, that’s never the case, but that’s how it feels in the moment. So, you know, it, it forced me to reinvent myself and, and, you know, in some ways that was really terrifying.

And in some ways, it was. After the fact, I can look back on it and say it was an opportunity at the time. It was really terrifying, but I think a lot of women in midlife find themselves in that place where we’re looking ahead to the second half of our life. And we’re really questioning, what do we want that to look like?

And more importantly, who do we want to be? You know, in the second half of our life. I mean, that was really kind of what, what drove me to end my marriage and to kind of reinvent myself. And I think, as I said, the biggest. The most important thing for me was just taking 100 percent responsibility and recognizing that from that moment on, every choice I made was going to have a consequence.

And if I wanted my life to look a certain way and feel a certain way, then I needed to really make the choices that were going to get me there. And I talk a lot about, you know, this idea of my future self, because I find that very You know, I’ve gotten very good at allowing my future self to guide the choices that I make today.

So I’m always thinking about, you know, who is it that I want to be in 10 years and what would she do in, in my situation? What, what, you know, how would she behave? What were the, what are the choices she would be making? And that really was what. Guided me and I would say that that guided me not just in terms of my wellness.

It guided me in terms of The relationships that I had post divorce, you know, I had a real clarity about what I wanted and what I needed and what my non negotiables are. It guided me with respect to my business and you know, the things that I have taken on, like the podcast and, you know, big, big decisions that I made that were very exciting.

They’re scary too. And I think, you know, when you’re in that position of feeling a little insecure, having that future me, you know, in mind really helped me and, and guided me well. So, so that, that was really, you know, I, I, whenever I’m working with anybody on anything, I think we start with. What are your, what are the messages you’ve had about aging?

How do you think about aging? You know, and so many women have these very disempowering ideas. And I don’t blame them because I think it’s the culture that we live in. We live in a very youth driven, youth obsessed culture. And we’re, we’re not really at least not until very recently. We haven’t had a lot of.

Older women who can, who have served as role models of somebody living really powerfully and somebody who’s really like rocking the second half of life. I think we had like that golden girls image for a long time, right? And it was like women, women felt like, you know, they were destined to become a golden girl.

And, and so, you know, I think that’s. A huge part of the work that I do and probably the work that you and so many others do where it’s just really convincing women or helping them to see that, you know, we, if we take 100 percent responsibility, we can really create an amazing second half of life, but we have to reframe how we think about aging.

And we have to have a clear picture of where we want to be and what we want to create. And with that almost like set as your GPS. It’s so much easier to live into that. So that, so that really is always, whenever I talk about reinvention, that is the biggest tool that I can share, is that idea of being led, being guided by the future you.

I love that so much because I think that is so important because it’s, I, you know, I never thought about that when I was younger. I never thought about my future me. I mean, you know, and now now I think about the future me more than ever because. When I, like I’ve told, told you earlier, my dad died at 59, I’m 58 years old.

I mean, I’m a year from when my dad passed away. He got cancer at 58, died at 59. My mother was in the hospital on her 60th birthday with cancer. And so I’m like, now I’m like. And there was a definite before cancer and after cancer for my mom. She lived 15 more years, which was amazing. Some of those years were great.

Some of them were not so great. But I was so happy to have her 15 more years. But I think of myself, like, how much longer I want to live. And I have this granddaughter, and so, yeah. And I love that you let that future self guide you. The decisions you make, you know, so that you can get to that place and that you have that mindset that it’s, it’s just having your own internal guide and being able to listen to yourself.

Another thing I think about too, is. Think about this, like we have good times and bad times in life. It’s that ebb and flow, right? And and now when I have bad times in my life, I don’t get so worked up. Mm-hmm. like I did when I was younger because I know these times are gonna pass. Yeah. Just like the good times pass and good times go and the bad times go and that’s just the way life is.

And I think settling into it and knowing that is almost like a relief. And and knowing that this, this truly can be the best time of our lives, we just have to be powerful and take back the choices and may, and, and choose the way we want to live. Let that, that 10 year version of yourself guide you.

And I love, so I love that, Karen. Yeah. And I think the reason that you probably feel that way, like it’s easier to ride the waves. And, and, and many of us. You know, at this stage of life, do, do find that easier. I think it’s because at this point, we have so much evidence to show us that we can handle it.

You know, like, I think, I think when you’re younger, there’s always that fear, like, well, what if, what if I can’t. And I think by the time you reach, you know, 50, 55, 60, you have enough life experience to know that, you know, Even the tough times, we can handle it. We can get through it. It may not be pleasant, but we can get through it.

And I think just knowing that we have our own back and that we can rely on ourselves, you know, again, it’s, it’s empowering. It’s helping us to feel a little more of a sense of control at this time that, you know, let’s face it, it can be a little tumultuous. Yeah. Oh, my goodness. Well, I could talk to you forever and ever, but we won’t, we’ll, we’ll save it for another day.

There’s so many things, but guys, I do want to make sure that you go listen to her podcast, because I just listened to one where you were talking about relationships. You had somebody on there and gosh, it was so. So, so good, but you’ve had lots of great guests and you just have a lot of great solo podcasts and tell them where else they can find you.

And and then the, in the show notes, we’ll put your freebie in there. What’s it called? It’s the midlife glow up guide. Yes. Okay. Seven days to your healthiest, most radiant self. So my website is welling and woman. com. And and I have a bunch of free resources there for the ladies, but but that, you know, that, that is one of them, the midlife glow up guide.

And my podcast is well, again, women redefining midlife it’s on Apple and Spotify and all the places. And then of course, I’m on Instagram and Facebook at well, again, woman, I have not ventured Much into TikTok. So I, I don’t know, maybe someday for the moment, you know, I’m, I’m mostly on Instagram and Facebook.

But I love, I love to come connect with with new people. And, and as I said, it’s been one of the most amazing parts of this journey is just getting to know people like you. So, I, I, I so appreciate being here. I really love your work as well, and, and as I said, we’re. Kind of kindred spirits. Yes, we are.

We are for sure. So anyway, well, thank you. Thank you so much. I appreciate you being with me today. Thank you.

I hope you enjoyed the show as much as I did, but before we go, can you do me a favor and rate and review the podcast rating and reviewing the podcast? Not only helps others find it, but it’s also similar to that. No, like, and trust factor you have with your friends and family listeners, respect the reviews of other listen.

So your glowing reviews are like trusted recommendations for other listeners. Hey, and go ahead and hit that subscribe button. So you don’t miss an episode until next week. I hope you make those small consistent changes that lead you to your best to you.

About the Host

I too, struggled in my late 40s when I hit peri-menopause! I was experiencing all those not-so-fun physical changes in my body, as well as mental and emotional fatigue. What worked for me before was not working anymore. 

And the mainstream wellness advice I was following was not for women my age but for women years younger. I also realized very quickly that there is no one formula that works for all women. We are all different and need a customized approach. This aha moment was the first step to my transformation…

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  • Stress Management: how it affects your health and how to combat it
  • Sleep: Why it’s so important at this stage of life (and what happens if you don’t).
  • Hydration & why it affects e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g
  • and more..
Menopause health coach Deanna Pizitz standing in a kitchen drinking Pumpkin Smoothie


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