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Deanna is joined again today by Whitney Abraham, fellow FASTer Way to Fat Loss coach. The conversation in this episode is about coping with the pandemic, understanding and accepting the lack of control, and reinvention.
Many people have lost their jobs due to COVID-19. Whitney suggests taking this time to find out what lights your fire and refocusing on it. You need to diversify your income stream, so take this opportunity to plan the next move that is right for you. Now is the time to look at what pivots you can make to your business, whether it’s streamlining your revenue or making the move online.
With lockdown comes stress. Whitney tells us about the struggle she has faced having her children at home 24 hours a day while still trying to maintain her business. For her, it has come down to prioritization to make things work; eliminating what is inconsequential and really focusing on the essential. Both Whitney and Deanna agree it is important to know and understand your core values and to align with them.
The two go on to discuss the problem with people-pleasing. It is a common trait in women, taught by societal expectations, but Whitney and Deanna want you to step back and focus on yourself. Take the time to practice self-care and learn to reposition your mindset to the positive.
Whitney finishes the episode by discussing the importance of bringing authenticity and truth to what you do. Build your community by focusing on who you want to attract and do it by being yourself. Be brave enough to bet on you.
Episode 31 with Whitney: https://wellandworthylife.com/how-to-create-confidence/
Whitney’s website: https://www.whitneyabraham.com/
Whitney on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whitneyabraham/