Tanya Dalton is on the podcast with us today. She’s a best selling author/speaker and she’s talking about her new book, On Purpose: The Busy Woman’s Guide to an Extraordinary Life of Meaning and Success. I’ve been reading through this book and absolutely loving it! Tanya offers so much wisdom and practical tools for how to live on purpose.
Living on purpose isn’t about changing who you are but rather rising up and becoming the best version of yourself. It’s looking beyond the horizon at who you want to be, what you desire in your life and the steps to take to get there. And guess what? You can learn how to live on purpose at any age! For all of you empty-nesters (or soon to be) who are wondering who you are outside of motherhood, this book is for you!
In this episode Tanya talks us through the concept of cathedral thinking and how to apply that to our own life and legacy. She also explains the power of smart goals, using I.M.P.A.C.T to guide your goal setting process. Be sure to take notes because these goal writing tips are extremely helpful for living with purpose.
Tanya is an inspiration and this conversation will light a fire in your belly for living your life on purpose! Enjoy the episode and be sure to check out her book here.
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