Are you a new year’s resolution or intention setting kind of person? In the month of January there’s always a lot of talk about goal setting for the year. Personally, I’m not a new year’s resolutions kind of girl. I used to be, but I realized a long time ago that those don’t work for me. Instead, I like to choose a word for the year that I set my intentions on.
Resolutions can feel rigid and if you don’t live up to it there can be a feeling that you somehow failed. Setting an intention gives you something to set your focus on. You can let it be something that keeps bringing you back when you are making decisions throughout the year. I often ask myself, “does this align with my word for the year?”, if not I can easily say no.
I’m a big believer that mindset is the key to everything. In the book, Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg, he says that in order to get our behavior to change, we have to do the small things and do them consistently. Taking pause to celebrate yourself and be proud of how far you come gives you the strength to keep going. It’s small things done consistently that bring the change and that’s something I talk a lot about in my balance program.
I encourage you to think about a word or intention for your year and write it down. If you’re looking for guidance, here are some great questions to spark ideas. Avoid looking for the quick fix and instead ask yourself, if this is my intention, how am I going to get there? What is going to be my roadmap?
When we are working on health and wellness, it isn’t a destination. It is a journey. We have to have a roadmap to get there. It’s the small little things done consistently that make the big change.
Have you thought about your intention(s) for the year? If so, I’d love to hear what they are! Email them to me at [email protected]