In my experience living in the south, discussing certain women’s issues can make people very uncomfortable. It’s time to change that because these topics are too important to ignore. Today we are doing just that, normalizing the conversation about vaginal health and menopause and I have the perfect guest to help us do that, Dr. Alyssa Dweck.
Dr. Alyssa Dweck is a practicing gynecologist in Westchester County, New York, providing care to women of all ages. She has been an OBGYN for over 25 years. Today her practice focuses on perimenopause, menopause, female sexual health and general gynecology. If there are questions you’ve been uncomfortable asking, Dr. Alyssa is going to answer them here!
Something Dr. Alyssa said that I really appreciated was that menopause doesn’t have to be a negative experience. There is a way to acknowledge the changes happening to us as we start going through menopause but there are also plenty of things we can do to be proactive through the changes. In regards to vaginal health in menopause, Dr Alyssa shares a number of useful tips!To learn more about vaginal health with Dr Alyssa Dweck
Go order her recent book, “The Complete A-Z for your V” Tune into her podcast, The Business of the V Check out her websites: Hello Bonafide and Dr. DweckJoin me in my Balance programs!