Welcome to the Well and Worthy life podcast. I’m your host, Deanna Pizitz a certified integrative nutrition health coach. This podcast is designed to inspire and motivate you to become a better you through sharing solutions, to your biggest struggles and concerns. In this second half of life, let’s change how we age by focusing on creating a positive mindset that allows us to flourish.
Nourishing our bodies for longevity, optimizing our hormone health for better balance movement that keeps us feeling young and active, and managing our stress to improve our mental health. Things are different now in our second half, and we have to do things differently. Hello and welcome to the Well and Worth Life podcast. I’m so glad you guys are back. I’m super excited today to have an emotional eating coach with me today. I met her through Instagram because you know, that’s where I meet everyone, and her name is Hunter Cardinal. Hey, hunter, thank you so much for joining me today.
Thanks for having me. I’m just gonna read your Instagram profile because I really love what you say here. You said you help women ditch emotional eating, lose weight, and stop thinking about food so that they can be free to fully live life. Hallelujah. Thank you. Thank you. If we can fully live life, that says a lot.
I think so many people get hung up on food for whatever reason. And so yeah. I have taken a very like a six-month course in emotional eating, so I know a little bit, but not anything like you do. So, hunter, tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started as a certified emotional eating coach.
Well, for me, it all rotates around my story. So I grew up with a very unhealthy relationship with food and unfortunately, I did a lot of thinking about food and weight, even from a young age. And I became overweight in third grade. And so I had those, all those early years into my college years where I was.
Becoming a big dieter where I was binging and restricting and losing weight, gaining weight, I did that many times and all the way up to my twenties and I really wasn’t even sure what my particular issue was. And I didn’t really know where to go get help. But then when I found the help that I needed I was able to basically go through a transformation that I didn’t even know was possible.
It’s been, a long, slow but progressive recovery, and when I started getting more freedom, I really wanted to tell other people about it and I was actually afraid to for a long time. And then when I started telling my story prior to 2015 and then realized this could be my calling and maybe why it was even, you know, brought on to this earth to help people.
Who is really struggling with things, especially behind the scenes and in secret with their food and weight obsession, and to find them get freedom is absolutely my favorite thing in the world to do. So this is a subject that I will talk about all the time and I hope that this is my purpose for the rest of my life, which is to help women overcome this because it takes up a lot of brain space, just like we said.
So it’s been a real joy for me and it’s what I enjoy most. Oh, I love that. You know, it’s so funny because so many people that I’ve had here on the podcast, they turn their mess into their message. And I kind of feel like I’ve done the same thing with my coaching. You know, I have turned my mess in menopause into my mission to help premenopausal and menopausal women because of the way I went through it and this dieting thing that we all grew up on.
I mean, I know you’re not as old as I am, but I feel like you’re in that same generation that, we grew up dieting. I mean, when were you on your first diet? How old were you? I went on my first diet was my mom when I was 14. Okay. I was probably about that age too. Did your mom put you on that first? She never, she never, she didn’t, my mom didn’t pressure me at all, but she was also obese and so this was something that we really struggled with.
I went with her cause I wanted to lose weight. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Well, my mother actually did put me on my first diet and my second diet. My mother, she, my mother was always so thin and everything, and I was just built differently than my mother.
My mother was taller than me and I think I remember my mother would just say if she wanted to lose weight, she just started eating half of whatever she was supposed to eat. She just had discipline. When I started gaining weight, she didn’t like, the way that looked. So anyway, I started young, at a young age dieting.
And the last thing I want for my granddaughter, who’s three years old, is to ever even think about a diet. I mean, that’s my hope that she never has to. She never even thinks about something like that, that she can just eat real food and stay eating when she’s hungry and stop when she’s full. That’ll be interesting to watch and see.
Right. And a lot of people have more trouble doing that than others. Like, you know, when I do, it’s just not that simple. And those are usually the people that are my clients or the ones that know what to do, but it’s just not that simple just to do. Yeah. Yeah. No, I mean, I agree and I think that emotional eating can look in so many different forms, right?
I mean, so many different forms. So so what, what was it that was a light bulb finally for you to think, I have got to get some help. Well, to be honest, I hit rock bottom because I was, had gained and lost weight many times. Every time I’d lose just as much and gain even more back, and I was in that cycle of binging and restricting where I would overeat and then go several days without food.
And that time in between binges was getting closer and it was taking up even more of my obsession of how am I gonna stop this? And I actually didn’t know how to stop. I didn’t know what I was gonna do to stop because the pattern was getting where I was not being able to. I was at my first job out of college and I couldn’t fit into my uniform.
And so the fear, you know, it actually makes it worse. The stress of the problem actually makes it worse. And so I didn’t know what to do, so I knew that I needed help and I didn’t even know what my diagnosis was, but I knew that I wanted to not keep doing what I was doing. And so where did you go to get help?
Well I do believe it was providential of some of the things that I addressed first. I was watching an Oprah Winfrey episode when I was a senior in college, and she put some different advertisements up at the very end of that episode. And then when I went to, when I moved to my first job, I saw some similar articles and so I went to my first support group.
Right when I moved here to Greenville. I went to my first support group meeting and started getting the right counsel and the right help. And I actually sat in that room hearing people that did the same things with food that I did, and they were peaceful and laughing and smiling, and many were at a normal size, weight, and or what I call a right size body.
And they understood. They thought as I thought, and I found out that my brain actually was different than a lot of people’s brains and I am more susceptible to a lot of substances, and ingredients that other people may not be susceptible to. So I started, I related right away and therefore I could relate to the solution also.
So what were those thoughts? And then another part of the question is, are those thoughts still there and do you know how to control them now?
That’s actually a great question. Mostly it’s that I did a lot of thinking about food and I did a lot of thinking about my weight because I would. Thinking about either what I was going to eat or what I really wanted to not eat. So even when I was at a meal, I might be thinking about the next meal of either I don’t wanna eat like I just did, or, you know, I need to eat healthier or whatever or eat less, whatever it is.
It really at this point doesn’t matter about all the reasons why that developed in me. But I do know a lot of whys now, right? But I spend a lot of time wanting those palatable foods. Like, you know, they put ingredients in foods now for us to want them more, right? So there’s, you know, high fat has sugar, you know, refined flour, et cetera, and they put multiple of those ingredients in there.
So we want more. But for some people’s brains, I do believe. They that we get hijacked and we get where we get turned on by those foods. A lot more. Like my daddy could eat a half a Snickers bar, and he could leave the other half by his table, you know, where he is watching tv. And I, I couldn’t fathom that.
I’m like, I want to go finish the Snickers bar. So I always had a real love for sugar. And I do believe that my brain is different in the way it processes it. They were talking about things they did with food like that. They thought about it a lot and that they wanted to stop, but they couldn’t.
And they wanted to lose weight, but they couldn’t, or they could lose weight and stop, but they couldn’t stay stopped. And I understood. The answer to your question about, you know, do you not have those anymore? I do believe there are steps that we can go through, which is the framework I go through with my clients.
It can make it easier for those stops to get quieter. There are steps you can take where it’s not the same as it used to be, and it may not be a quick fix, but it’s everything from what you can do physically when you’re feeding your body to help those cravings and what you can do with your emotions and dealing with emotions and also what you can do mentally for mindset change.
They can help you with those. And then you wake up one day and you realize you’re not thinking about it as much and it’s not the first thing that you do when you wake up in the morning is touch your stomach and wonder how big your stomach is. You know, one day you realize you’re not doing that anymore, and then one day you’re working and you realize you forgot to eat lunch.
I mean, that’s just like totally unfathomable that I would forget to eat lunch when before I wanted to eat all the time. So actually they don’t come as often now and when if a thought like that comes, I usually know that it’s more than just physical. It’s usually an emotional thing or something that I need to work on, or even a spiritual issue that I need to work on.
And those voices calm down again. So all the voices just start getting a lot quiet. I feel like I am an emotional eater to a degree. I’ve never well, I, feel like that, honestly, I feel like so many of us are like the Snickers bar. I couldn’t leave the Snicker bar, but my husband could, my husband could eat half the Snicker bar and be done.
Actually, he ate one of those mini bunk cakes and he eats on that thing for a week. A week, right? I’m like, who does this? But no, I mean, like, if I’m gonna have a dessert, I’m gonna eat the whole thing but I have found myself when I’m bored or sad or mad standing at that pantry or that refrigerator, thinking, Ugh, what can I eat?
Luckily, now I can catch myself most times. Not every time, but most times, and say, wait, wait. Are you tired? Are you stressed? You know what’s going on? Maybe you should get out of here, you know, maybe you should get out of the house. Go for a walk, move your body because we’re looking for that dopamine hit. You know that, it’s almost like a druggie in a way.
You’re looking for that hit of something and it only makes you feel good for the moment, right? People use that with shopping too. I’ve done it with shopping as well as eating. So I think that we are all susceptible to it at different times in our lives.
So I think that normalizing that it, it’s not something that you’ve done wrong or anything. And a lot of times we do associate food with. Right. I mean, and comfort. And so it’s no wonder that we turn to food in times that were sad. I just, I found the biggest thing for me is when I’m tired, I will go in there too, you know?
Absolutely. We still think it’s gonna give us a pick me up and some things can give you a temporary pick up. A temporary, that’s, that’s the thing. And then long term you are not feeling well. And at this age, at 57, you know, I talk to all my clients about this and, and balance wellness method. It’s about.
Yeah. Do I wanna be thin and fit in all my clothes? Of course. But my biggest thing is I wanna have the energy to do all the things and play with my granddaughter and do all the things right. And if I am not nourishing my body the right way, then I can’t, I’m not gonna have that energy to do all the things.
This weekend I had my granddaughter and man, I was so exhausted after having her, I forget, a three-year-old is a lot of work. So when somebody comes to you, you said you have a framework, so what are some of the first questions or things that, you know, give my listeners some kind of tips or thoughts that they could think of?
I know on your Instagram page you’ve got a quiz they can take and stuff like that. But, tell us some of the things that they might be looking for to see if there’s somebody who really needs to work with an emotional certified emotional eating coach.
With the thinking about it a lot, you know, even if it’s not to the point of obsession, but it’s taken up a lot of brain space and it’s taken up a lot of their money and goal setting and, you know, the way they operate on a normal day.
The sign is if you’re, you’re thinking about it a lot, and then when you want to do things with food that you feel like it’s almost impossible to do or sustain, you know that for some people things come easy and for some people, it doesn’t. Then, you know, that’s something else. And then if you find that you’re turning to food, what I say, this is not a clinical definition, this is what I’ve come up with is that it’s turning to food for other reasons than nutrition. To sustain a feeling, to create a feeling, or to stuff, a feeling, you know? And we can get into those patterns. When I’m sad that’s gonna pick me up, or when I’m tired, that’s gonna pick me up. If I’m disappointed, I really don’t wanna sit with this feeling, so I’m gonna, I’m gonna eat.
So now I can just sit with a feeling that I’ve overeaten and I don’t feel good about myself. And then you go into a pattern of beating yourself up. So I think a lot of that negative self-talk can be part of it too. I have not met one client that didn’t struggle with negative self-talk, you know?
The framework that I go through is understanding their own personality and understanding what has worked for them and what hasn’t and not keep doing things that don’t work. And then, you know, trying to really work on their nutrition, where they’re giving their body what they need and really trying to change, this all-nothing thinking and this negative self-talk and getting accountability to support and then understanding what your triggers are.
And there are so many things now that we can get help with because a lot of times I feel like that, it used to be we kind of did these things in secret and we didn’t have people to talk to. And now that’s the biggest message I always wanna get to people is that you are not alone. You’ve not done anything with food that I have not either done before or had a best friend do, or been, you know, been around.
I might have been in these rooms, you know, for a long time of seeing people struggle and that you are not alone. That change is possible. And it may not be overnight, but it is possible. And so I’m not sure if that answered your question. Yeah. You know, and I think the key that you’re saying too, it’s, it is about being in the community of like-minded women who kind of get it right? And that, I think in so many things and so many things that we do, we feel like we’re alone. Whether it be overeating or even undereating or going through menopause.
I really believe that sustained change comes in community and not many people wake up and say, I’m gonna change this today and they do it all by themselves and they never pick up again. That is, there are not many people that, it’s like we are created for a community. Yes. And there is something so healing about sitting in a room. Or even on and call, you know? And when you say something and everybody starts nodding. Our secrets keep us sick.
We want to be honest, you know, we want to, and then it ends up being everybody’s benefit when we’re honest and we end up being the chain breakers. Where the things that may that women have handled in a different way in the past, we can handle it differently. We can handle it differently for ourselves.
We can handle this differently with our daughters and our sons and our grandchildren and can pave the way for them to do it differently. And if there’s one thing that I think is coming positive about, you know, about technology, is for us to be able to reach other people and to be able to say, no, I do that too, and I get it and I hear you and you’re not alone.
Yeah. Oh, I love that. It’s like breaking the chain. I loved how you said that breaking that chain for generations to come. Like, we don’t want our daughters, our sons, our granddaughters, or our grandsons to experience some of these things. Like I said, I mean, for my granddaughter, I hope she is never on a diet.
I hope she uses food for what it’s meant to be. You know, this weekend, as I said, she was with me and I would say, Marlo, are you hungry? And if she was not hungry, she would say no. Unfortunately, we’ve all taught her that sugar is really good though, so you could eat sugar whenever, even if you’re not hungry, which is so bad.
I can’t control everything that goes on in her life and neither can her parent because she’s going to be exposed to different things.
So let me ask you this. How much weight were you at your highest?
So I was thinking about that today actually. I have maintained a 50-pound weight loss for over 10 years and a 40 pound weight loss for over 15. And that I realized that also could put in there about going up and down with having two babies. And I thought, well, I thought, why did I get on track before 2009?
You know I was a big tracker. I realized, oh, well I guess I had my, I remember going back up, you know, after my second child, and then I remember being so, so thankful. That I was able to go back down after my second child.
I literally like lost 20 pounds immediately, then lost five more, then lost five more. And that for, actually 33 years, my weight has continued to pretty much either go down or be around the same place. And that’s been such a gift. And also believe that quick weight loss, you have to be ready for it emotionally and for your identity.
So I was wondering maybe even if God did it that way for me on purpose where. I got comfortable, more comfortable in my body as my body got smaller. But what’s interesting is, the answer to your question is I have been able to maintain a 50-pound weight loss. And unfortunately, there’s a very small percentage of people that maintain that.
And I see that as being a totally abrasive guide and the hard work that I’ve put into it too, but also that, that he’s brought me so many different avenues of recovery that have allowed me to stay fresh in whatever I’m learning and to, you know, get even more support and more help. But I think that it’s a rarity, but it is possible, and I think that we sometimes need to welcome a slow change.
I think slow is so much better than a quick loss because slow is more sustainable. And just as I’ve coached women over the years, I have seen the women who keep it off are the ones who go slower. And kind of like you say, it’s almost like you gonna get used to it and your body adjusts because we do have that set point where our bodies have that set point.
And so I do believe that we have to adjust and everything. And anytime you do something quick and radical, I remember back in the day where I had friends getting these, human growth shots or something. They would get these shots and they were hardly eating 500 calories a day.
I think Oprah did it first. I could be wrong about that, but some, some star did it first, right? That’s the way it always works and so everybody’s like, oh, okay, that’s the way to, to lose the weight. And of course, unfortunately, it doesn’t stay off. I mean, I always tell somebody, You, we’ve watched Oprah.
We grew up watching Oprah, right? And she went up and down all these years and so, but she seems happier now than ever. And I don’t think she’s at her skinniest, but she has embraced where she is. I do feel that losing a lot of weight quickly is not going to be sustainable.
And every time I have seen somebody go on one of these fad diets and there’s so many out right now, and they will probably always be you know, they end up gaining it back and more rather than if they just learned how to eat to nourish their bodies. I know it’s not that simple.
Right? That’s right. I know it’s not that simple because I have had friends that no matter what, and I’ve been eating with them, no matter what, they couldn’t get full, their bodies didn’t recognize that fullness. So I know that there is so much more to it than that, but I think that’s where it goes to working with a coach or working with a therapist.
They can help you get to the root problem, right? Cause there’s a root problem. And there’s deeper work to be done and everybody’s not ready for that. But when you do get ready for that and you have just any inkling of willingness, you know, I encourage the church, others to really ride that red, white right then where if you get an inkling of willingness, if I think I see some of the deeper work and I think I’m ready, go ahead and try to get.
Started because once you start and you should get some of those victories, it can encourage you to keep going. And if you’re willing to keep going, I mean, I know it. I know that it’s hard work, but there might be some things, including your nutrition, that if you changed it up, things could get easier than you imagined because you made some changes.
Just like the first time I actually did do a. And I actually did get rid of all the sugar in my body, and that’s not for everybody, cuz I know that’s very scary. That is not for everyone. But I ended up having such a drop in cravings and such an increase in taste buds where I could really taste a strawberry, which before I couldn’t, you know, because of some of that had gotten outta my body and things calmed down so much that if you give some of these other methods a chance.
You don’t have to do it for a lifetime. You just give another method a chance that’s maybe even something radical that you’ve never tried before. And understand that you get to make the choice of how long that lasts. You can, you know, do something for seven days. You can do something for 24 hours and you never imagined doing it for a lifetime.
You know, if you give some of those methods a chance, it could be better than you ever imagined. It might be some things that we think and we imagine in our heads. Like for me, giving up sugar was the absolute hardest thing but it ends up bringing the joy and peace that you never even knew was possible.
You know, it’s like you didn’t even know you could feel that way. That you could feel like everybody around me is eating ice cream and it does not bother me. That was not on the agenda, that was not anywhere on my you know, on my timeline. It was nowhere on, on that I could even imagine.
Oh, I love that. So do you eat sugar? I don’t cause I’m a sugar addict. And it didn’t work and I kept trying and it didn’t work and I ended up, the last time I tried it, I binged on Christmas day of 2008 and it took me nine months to get out of it again, and my last binge was in September of 2000 so it’s just not worth it. And when I stopped, I didn’t have the cravings and I didn’t have the, where it bothers me anymore and that’s a miracle. That’s not me. That’s a miracle. Wow. But that’s not everybody’s, that is not everybody’s course. It is a minority of people that have to do that.
I’m scared to talk about that on social media because I just, I don’t know for many reasons, but it’s not everybody’s course. It is an example of something that you could have never told me to the girl who ate, you know, tubs of cool whip and, you know, half gallons of ice cream.
That’s not something that I do, and I can be around it and serve it to people and it not bother me is, you know, beyond me. See, I do love that because I can understand that in a little way with alcohol. I have gone back to drinking a little bit now, but I had gone over a year without drinking anything.
And if somebody would’ve told me that I could do that, I would’ve said absolutely no way. There’s just no way. And, and not feel like I needed a drink because my, my thing was, I was, I never had a major problem with it. I’ve done several podcasts with my friend Jen Sober Sis on the podcast, but I never really had this major problem, but I did find myself wanting to drink.
One or two, well, I’d say one started off with one to de-stress, and we know one doesn’t take the de-stress out. And so I would drink, you know, a couple of glasses of wine or something like that. You know, probably three to four nights a week until I realized that that was just really messing up my whole journey, my whole health journey I was putting a toxin in.
And so then the thought of like, well, how do I go to a party and not do this? And having that freedom, I felt from being able to do that and have a great time and not know, I wasn’t a, like a dud either so I can understand how you can get that way.
And that’s really what we want is that freedom, not a restriction, not feeling like we’re restricted like we can’t do it because we can’t handle it. But this freedom of, I choose this. And one of the things that I love that Jen would say is, you’re just choosing it for right now, doesn’t mean it has to be forever.
We can do for 24 hours what we never could have imagined for a lifetime. And for some of us, there are standards and they’re moderators, you know, and some, for some people the moderation works and that is wonderful. And, I want everybody to have as much read with leniency as they can.
I would not recommend anything tighter or more, more structured than they need. But for some of us to abstain is the freedom is actually that none is greater than some. It ends up being the better option for some people, it is different for everybody, but there is so much freedom when the people who need to abstain, what happens is their brain calms down and it doesn’t keep screaming for it.
And we make new neuro pathways in our brain where it’s not necessary anymore. Oh, I love that. So I’m wondering if most emotional eaters are sugar addicts too, you know, but, but is sugar their thing. I do run across people that are like, I don’t want, I don’t really care about sugar. I’m like, oh my gosh. How do you not care about sugar? Well, I would feel the same way, but yes, most people are not necessarily, I mean, the people that I, coach, they can have trouble with night eating, which is the number one thing that they usually have trouble with from the emotional eating standpoint is eating at night.
And it can be anything from a process where there was a link, even back in childhood, and this is what we did every night. We all had a bowl of ice cream, or we all had a bowl of cereal, or this is what we do when we watch tv. So that you know all the different reasons that someone can have performed the habit.
And it could be just a habit, you know, could be a link emotionally, it could be just a flat-out habit. I sit down, this is what I do, flip the TV on, I go get something to eat. Or it’s a pattern of emotional eating and trying to stuff a feeling, or it’s a pattern of emotional eating, of trying, this is the way I check out and I now don’t know how to check out without doing this.
And it also can be a habit of, this is how I reward myself. You know, it’s a pattern of this is the way I reward myself. And so now I don’t remember how to reward myself without food, but it can be anything. It can be chips, it can be chips and salsa.
Just at the other day on our balance eating method call, we were just talking about this, that nighttime eating. So many people, including me, get in this rut sometimes think, it’s time to have a little something sweet after I finish dinner. And I said, I try not to ever do it two nights in a row because that’s what happens. It becomes this habit, and then I believe our bodies and our taste buds just want it more and more then, and then we feel deprived when we don’t have it.
Melanie and I always talk about our tea time, cuz now we try to go for our hot tea. It’s warm, it’s nurturing. Kind of feels that whatever we’re looking for, I guess at that point, you know, that finishing the night and so that’s a better habit than going and getting the chocolate, right?
And for some, it may not be a problem at all. You know, some people. You know, again, like my husband, he has a snack. He snacks up to a certain time and then he stops. And he has gotten his whole health regime going. Like, I never thought he would. And it, it’s, you know, some people, it’s not something to feel guilty about.
It’s not something you have to quit. It’s when you want to quit and you can’t, so it can be a process, but it can be also something that you don’t have. The beating up doesn’t need to be part of the steps.
I started listening to this book and I wonder if you’ve ever heard of it. It is called, it Was Me All Along by Andy Mitchell. Have you heard of this? No, I have not. Okay. So it’s really good. And she is a New York Times bestselling author. What I can gather from the book, she was a big-time emotional eater, goes through her childhood and some of the different things, and now she has a cookbook and she’s got like 47,000 followers.
She was definitely an emotional eater and I’m sure she has healed herself and I’m sure she got help. I don’t know the whole story behind it, but, it’s a really good book, so I would recommend it.
You work one on one with clients, correct? That’s correct. Okay. And so they would just reach out to you and then you would set up a consult, and then how long do you, does it usually take, do you work with people ongoing?
So first of all, I do a 15-minute free discovery call so we can see if we’re a good fit, and then I’m going to be able to identify what your goals are and see if I can be a part of meeting that goal, and then I usually say, four sessions probably can be the minimum just because it’s hard to even get to know each other in the first one and figure out what your, what your particular goals are. But it is up to the person of how long they wanna meet with me and how often, and then sometimes they’ll come kind of back for a catch-up or a checkup, and a lot of times people will have some pretty amazing revelations that they just talking it through, they didn’t realize. It was like I had someone, cause of my, my work and addiction, I had someone who was an alcoholic and had been recovering for a long time. And in the middle of the session she realized, even though I could see it, she had not seen that.
She was just switching addictions that now the, what used to be the glass of wine had become this night snacking that felt like out of control or whatever, but she didn’t realize that until it was the middle of the session, you know? So I think a lot of people just need to talk through it and have, you know, and then I always say, for me, I need to plan and accountability, and all my clients are the same.
They need a plan and they need accountability. And when you know what your plan is then you have something you can work with like the rest of your life. And then if we, and we write it down and record it, and in that way, and when you, when you go astray and go off track, you realize, okay, this was what working.
So for some reason, we forget what works. Like we get onto a role and then, you know, my friend will say, oh, weren’t you doing X, Y, and Z? I’m like, totally forgot that. So I’m like, let’s write it down while things are going. And that way they know what to come back to. And so they don’t have to be dependent on me.
But at the same time, I think talking things through is just, especially coming from a verbal processor like me, a lot of people talking things through can be so helpful. So I don’t put any limit. I don’t put a minimum. It’s totally up to the person of how long they wanna work together and we take it from.
I love that because I do think just talking it through and what you were saying about changing that addiction from alcohol over to eating, I think that you know, that is one of the things that Jen and I have talked about in our podcast too with what I’ve learned is a lot of people who give up the wine at night, they we’re doing the wine every night and they decide to give that up but then they want more sugar than ever. Isn’t that funny? I mean, it’s cause they were getting so much sugar from the wine, right? And so there is definitely a correlation there with sugar. So then they start, you know, she’s even talked about she didn’t lose weight immediately after quitting quit.
Once we know, then we can start working on the problem, right? Awareness is so helpful. I think it’s so helpful, we have friends now who are experts in this area that can help us with what’s going on with our hormones.
Well, hunter, thank you so much for joining us. Tell everybody where they can find you and how to get in touch with you. Yes. So on Instagram, I’m hunter.ee coach. And I also have a website, hunter cardinal.com, and my email is Emotional Eating Coach Hunter gmail. And I also have a four-step guide for ending emotional eating and for staying on track with your healthy eating program.
And they can look for that in the link of the bio or email me and I’ll send it to them. Well, thank you again, Hunter. I really appreciate you being here with us.
Thank you. It was a pleasure.