A Friend Who Inspires You and Encourages You To Be Your Best Self

A Friend Who Inspires You and Encourages You To Be Your Best Self

A Friend Who Inspires You and Encourages You To Be Your Best Self

A Friend Who Inspires You and Encourages You To Be Your Best Self

A Friend Who Inspires You and Encourages You To Be Your Best Self

A Friend Who Inspires You and Encourages You To Be Your Best Self

A Friend Who Inspires You and Encourages You To Be Your Best Self

There are few people in your life, other than your mom, who inspires you and encourages you to be your best self.  Meet my friend Cathy.  Cathy has a blog, The Middle Page.  She is one of my few.

I first saw Cathy about 15 years ago.  I remember seeing her because who could miss a beautiful redhead. We became friends because our sons were friends.  Cathy is one of those friends that is always there for you. She was there when I struggled with my first marriage and divorce.  She and her family embraced me into their family when I needed some sort of normalcy in the chaos of my divorce.

Even when I married and divorced the second husband, she was there along with a couple of others, to help me pick up the pieces and move on.  Always encouraging me and telling me it was all going to be okay.  There can be a lot of shame in divorce but imagine 2 divorces in less than 3 years. It was awful.

The thing is you just can’t find friends or people like this very often but I want to encourage you they are out there.  Having close friends is so important to your self-care and health. Check out my blog post on the importance of self-care to your health. It does take time to build those type of relationships. You can start building those friendships in different ways, check out this post I did on friendships.

Cathy has been blogging about 4 years.  She started The Middle Page and a month into it she got triple negative breast cancer. Read her post here. When all this happened, most people would stop blogging. Not, Cathy, she wanted to share with everyone her journey but also continue with her original plan.  She continues to raise awareness about Breast Cancer and help anyone who is going through breast cancer.  She is truly one of a kind.

This summer we were at a wedding and she was staying with me.  We had a day to ourselves and I shared with her my thoughts on doing a blog.  The first thing she said, YOU HAVE TO DO IT!.  By the end of the day, we had the name Well and Worthy Life and I had hired someone to make my website.  Now that is a friend who inspires and encourages you. So that is how Well and Worthy Life came about.

When Cathy said she wanted to come to Birmingham and take some photos with me for our blogs, I was so excited.  She found these cute sequin bomber jackets at Nordstrom for only $59.  We each styled them our own way.   When I saw the jacket, I knew I wanted to put my new lounger pants with the jacket.  There are so many ways to style the sequin jacket and for the price, it is a must for the Holidays.

Do you have a friend that inspires you and encourages you to be your best self? Are you that kind of friend?

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