Can Morning Routines Transform Your Life?

The power of morning routines

Without intentional morning routines, most of us pick up our phones, start scrolling social media, checking emails, and/or reading the news. This often sets us on edge and brings stress or anxiety which we take with us into the day.  It doesn’t have to be this way. Believe me, when I say, having a morning routine can transform your life. 


The impact of my morning routines

I didn’t always have a morning routine but now that I do, I can’t go back! My morning ritual sets my whole day up for success. When I start my day by making my bed and taking time for silence, prayer, and reading my devotional, I go into my day with ease. It gives me a grounded feeling that I can take into my day and my whole attitude shifts.

Because life happens, there are days when I’ve skipped my ritual and I can feel how off everything is. I can get more irritated, a little impatient, and feel external factors throw me for a loop more quickly. Skipping the morning ritual simply doesn’t help my day. On the days when circumstances don’t allow me to do my routine, I crave it that much more and eagerly get back in!


What I do to set my morning up for success

The book, The Miracle Morning, was a huge influence on the way I go about my mornings.  Immediately after reading the book, I put the concepts into practice. Hal Elrod, the author, breaks down the best of the best tips for a daily morning ritual with the acronym SAVERS.

  • Silence
  • Affirmations
  • Visualizations
  • Exercise
  • Reading
  • Scribing/journaling

Over time, as my new morning routine became a habit, I made some modifications to what works best for me: silence, prayer, reading my devotional, and making my bed. These few things set me up to show up to my day in ways that align with my values.  If you haven’t picked up this book yet, I highly recommend you give it a read. I’d love to know what you take away from it!


miracle morning rituals

Let’s get YOU on a miracle morning routine

In Balance Wellness Method the first thing we talk about is your mindset and setting up morning routines that work for you specifically. It looks different for each of us as we are all in our own unique season and have different time restraints but as Hal Elrod talks about in his book, even those who aren’t morning people can make a shift. By sticking to the commitment and pushing through those difficult first few weeks, you can become more of a morning person.  If you can get up an hour earlier than normal, it can shift the trajectory of your day. All of that adds up to living the kind of life you dream of.

Want support with your morning routine, join me in my next Balance Wellness Method where we’ll go over mindset, and healthy habits, and give one another support to stick with it! Get on the waitlist for the next group starting in September.


For more inspiration on the morning routine, check out Melissa Ambrosini’s podcast, The Miracle Equation for Achieving Everything You Want with Hal Elrod. I’ve listened to this one a handful of times, it’s that good!

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