The Best Movement for Midlife Women

Are you a cardio queen?

Is cardio the best movement for midlife women? I used to think it was. We’re different in midlife so we have to do things differently and that includes the way we move. All through my 30s and early 40s, I was a runner. I loved that runners high I would get as I felt my heart beating in my chest.


If I wasn’t doing cardio, I didn’t think I was getting in a real workout.


As I continued running in my 40s I noticed a shift. After I would go for a run, I found myself limping throughout the day.  All I could think was, “This can not be good for my body!” it was time to ease off of running and try something new. Although running kept my legs strong, my upper body needed to build strength. 


I was on the hunt to find new ways to bring movement that supported me in this next season of life. 

movement for midlife women

The best movement for midlife women

For women going through menopause and perimenopause, strength training is MORE important than cardio! It helps you burn more calories than any other exercise which helps us say, “goodbye menopausal belly fat!” Toning up after 50 is so important because it has the power to change your menopause journey for the better!


Have you noticed how menopause brings physical changes to your body?  In this season of a woman’s life, muscles and bones get weaker, flexibility decreases, posture and balance become less stable and the dreaded weight gain happens.  Strength training is so important as we go through the menopause transition because it slows down physical aging by making your body stronger. Yes, please!!


One big misconception about strength training is that to see the benefits and build up muscle, we need to spend hours on end in the gym. The truth is, even 10-15 minutes a day is helpful. Knowing that has helped me take the leap and make strength training a priority because, in all honesty, it’s not my favorite type of movement!


Strength and Resistance Training

  • builds strong muscles and bones
  • prevents weight gain – I know you’re looking for this one!
  • slows down aging
  • balances hormones
  • is a natural mood booster
  • alleviates stress
  • aides in the production of collagen and elastin

These benefits of strength training make it the top movement for midlife women!



My favorite ways to incorporate strength training

Strength and resistance training is important but I don’t want to spend a lot of time on them if I don’t enjoy them. I’ve learned if I want it to be sustainable, I have to find things that I enjoy. I’ve tried to hire a personal trainer and take CrossFit classes and decided those are not for me.


If you’ve been part of my community for a while, you’ve heard about my love for Pure Barre. Walking into my first class I knew this was what I was looking for. Pure Barre offers the resistance training I needed; my upper body was responding well and I absolutely LOVED it! Now, as much as I love Pure Barre, I still need to add more strength, core, and flexibility training into my routine.

menopause workout plan

Enter the Balance Movement Method

Many women I talk to don’t want to spend an hour in the gym working with weights. It can be intimidating and overwhelming which will deter us from doing it! I know, when I don’t enjoy something, I struggle to make time for it so finding things that fit my lifestyle is key. In order for me to be successful with strength training, I have to stick to short intervals. This is why I’m excited about Balance Movement Method!


We don’t want to overcomplicate strength training so we’ve created a simple program so you could find success and consistency in it. Lori has created 15-minute intervals that can be stacked on top of each other for those who want longer sessions. We are going to make Movement fun again and give you awesome results in a gentle way. There is something for everyone here and Lori, Melanie, and I are here to keep you motivated week after week!



Sneak Peek inside the Balance Movement Method

movement for midlife women - Balance Movement Method -

In Balance Movement Method, you’ll learn:

  • the most ideal movement for YOU so you can exercise more intelligently and efficiently for this season of life.
  • simple movements you can incorporate into daily living.

You’ll also get access to…

Our easy-to-follow Balance Signature 15-minute Movement Routines. You’ll need little to no equipment since you’ll be using your own body weight and inexpensive equipment like kettlebells, dumbbells, and resistance bands.

We’ll show you step-by-step how you can comfortably fit this series of 15-minute movement routines into your busy schedule.

We designed these impactful short movement routines for everyone… regardless of age, current shape, or how much time you have in your busy day!


Get on the waitlist for our first round of Balance Movement Method!


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