Creating Habits Instead Of Making New Year Resolutions

I am not a big fan of making New Year Resolutions instead I like the idea of creating habits that help me to live my best life.  New Year Resolutions can be about fixing something in your life that you don’t like.  Let’s stop fixing stuff (sometimes it is the same stuff each year) and create new habits that will last and we can build upon.

Creating Habits

Goal setting can be a part of creating habits that will last.  Check out my post on 6 Steps To Achieving Your Goal. Once you know your goal you can go through the steps to achieving that goal.  Most likely it will involve creating a habit.

One of my goals for 2019 is to work on my core stability.  Core stability is my ability to stabilize my core to prevent injuries and help me perform my best at everyday tasks.

Since I started my blog in October 2017, I found myself sitting at my computer much more than I had ever done before.  I wasn’t exercising and moving like I was used to when I owned my Pure Barre studio.  When I did start moving more, I hurt my lower back.  If you have ever had lower back issues you understand the pain and frustration.

goal setting

After going to a wonderful Chiropractor, Dr. Ellen Whitt, I realized it was due to not moving as much as I was accustomed to moving and exercising.  Dr. Whitt was able to make some adjustments and relieve my immediate pain so that I could get back to moving like I wanted to move.

Since then, I have had to get back in the habit of working out on a consistent basis.  Consistency is step number 5 in 6 Steps To Achieving Your Goal.

So how do we create habits?

Creating Habits

According to Science Daily, About 40 percent of people’s daily activities are performed each day in almost the same situations, studies show. Habits emerge through associative learning. ‘We find patterns of behavior that allow us to reach goals. We repeat what works, and when actions are repeated in a stable context, we form associations between cues and response,’ a researcher explains.

Doing the same thing consistently in the same context will create a habit.  Think about when you get in the car (same context) then you put your seatbelt on (action). Now you do this without even thinking about it.

Habits become something we don’t even think about.  If we want to create positive healthy habits we must have more than motivation and intention.  We need to interrupt our old habits to create new ones.  Then we must do it consistently.  “Studies have shown that it can take 15 days to 254 days to truly form a new habit“, according to Science Daily.  There is NO quick fix.

For me, I have found if I want to workout, I must do it first thing in the morning.  The last couple of weeks I have been consistently waking up, drinking my coffee, and then going to the gym.  I wouldn’t say it is a habit yet, but I am working on it.

Unfortunately, we can establish these good habits and get derailed due to life events. That is why accountability is key to forming a good habit. I have a trainer who helps me and holds me accountable.

Good Habits Lead To Living Your Best Life

Start small when creating new habits.  Let each habit build upon the next so that you create the best habits to help you live your best life.

Are you looking to live a healthier happier life in 2019? I would be honored to help you on your journey. Check out the FASTer Way to Fat Loss® program here and my Health Coaching services here. Email me to schedule your FREE 20-minute consult to see which program is the best for you.

Do you want more information on Daily Habits that Change the Game?  Check out this podcast. This is what inspired this post.

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