Find Your Space – Here Is Mine

Do you have your own space? Somewhere you can go to get away from everything for a minute.  Somewhere where you can shut the world out and have your “me” time.  I hope so.

Office looks

Women's office

My Space – My Office

Here is my space, my office.  It is a tiny room but it has everything I need to have my “me” time.  This is where I can work on my blog.  Sometimes, I just come in here to think.  It is my happy place.

That doesn’t mean I am happy in it all the time.  Sometimes, I need to come here to regroup from being mad or sad. It is my place where no one else comes unless I invite them.

I recently redid my office.  The desk I had was a desk that I had gotten over 25 years ago.  It still looked great but it was not very functional.  I searched for a functional desk that was pretty but had no luck.  My husband had the great idea to have a cabinetmaker make me the base and then we bought a marble slab for the top.  I love it!

The rug I found at Homegoods.  It wasn’t the perfect size but it worked just fine and was a fraction of the price of any other rug I looked at.

My desk chair came from Hooker Furniture.  You can order it here. I have had it for a few years and I still love it.

I also wanted a comfy chair to sit in to read or just meditate.  This one here is similar.

clothing for over 50

My light fixture and some of my other accessories came from my daughter-in-law’s store Kellum & Company in Homewood, AL.  Check them out.

Accessories for the office

Accessories for the office

Important Items In My Space

The most important thing about my space is that I have surrounded myself with all the things I love.  I have pictures of my family.  Books that I am currently reading, want to read, or have read and are still my favorites. Also, I have little knick-knacks that just make me smile. Some of them were given to me and some of them I bought for myself.

I hope you have a space.  If you don’t find a space in your house and carve it out just for you.  Even if it is a closet. Somewhere you can go and be alone if you want or need to.  We all need our space.

Remember we must take care of ourselves so that we can take care of all of those people around us.  If you missed my blog post on Why Self-Care Is Important, check it out here.

Shop some of my favorites for a great space:


Shop my look:






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