Finding Your Tribe Takes Time And Effort

Last week I was fortunate to get to spend the week at the beach with one of my closest friends. Buiding friendships really take time and effort.  We seem to always want to take the easy or quickest way for everything.  One of the most important things I have learned in life is it is worth the time and effort it takes to get what you truly want.



Quality relationships are built on spending quality time with people. My friend Jodi and I got to be friends over 15 years ago.  I will never forget how we became friends.  I saw her around Birmingham but never imagined we would be friends.  We had a mutual running friend and one day we ran together. Jodi and I talked non-stop the entire run.

From that moment I knew we had so much more in common than I had imagined.  My children are some of the most important parts of my life and Jodi feels the same way.  We both love being a mother more than anything else, especially at that time in our life.

Friends help us to live a more balanced life.  They can inspire us to be our best self.  Here is a post I wrote about my friend who inspires and encourages me to be my best self.

Do you have friends like these?  Friendships like this help you to find your own vibe.  They propel you forward to live your best life.

How To Find Your Tribe

Finding the friendships that will last a lifetime take time and effort.  There might be several friends but there are few that will truly be your tribe.

  • Join a book club (you can read about mine here) or something else that interests you.
  • Be open, no judging.
  • Spend time together. Here are some great ideas for girlfriend getaways.
  • Be a giver as well as a receiver.  This means that there is give and take to all relationships.  In order to have a true quality friendship, you must be willing to bring something of value to your friendship.

Have you found your tribe? What one step today will you take to find your tribe?

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