How To Be Encouraged Even Though You Feel Discouraged

I am sure you are like me and you get discouraged sometimes.  Maybe more than sometimes.  It seems really hard to be encouraged when you are working towards a goal and you realize that instead of moving closer to that goal you are further away.  So let’s talk about how to be encouraged even though you feel discouraged.

Be Encouraged

Last month I finally started back in my routine of working out.  I had to build that habit again since I had gotten out of the habit.  I joined a new gym and decided to hire a trainer.  In my job as a health coach I hold my clients accountable on a daily basis but no one was holding me accountable.

My trainer, Jaiquan helped me to set some goals for myself.  One of my goals was to work on my core stability that I talked about in this post.  Another goal, I decided to make was to reduce my body fat to under 20%.  Last summer when I hurt my back, I stopped working out. So my fat percentage increased and my muscle percentage decreased. This is the opposite of what I want.

Over 5 weeks of working out with Jaiquan and doing some workouts I was able to reduce my body fat and increase my muscle, however, I did not make my goal.  In fact, in the last 2 weeks, my fat percentage went up slightly.  I couldn’t help but feel a little discouraged.

However, I do know why this happened.  I was not eating and tracking my macros like I should have been over the Holidays.  The Holidays can be some of the hardest times to stay on track with nutrition.

Being Encouraged Over Feeling Discouraged

When I work with my clients I always talk about progress over perfection but living it out can be harder than saying it.  It’s not like I expect perfection from myself but I do expect progress every week.

Be Encouraged

But here is the deal sometimes we have small setbacks.  That is ok.  We have to let go of those and look at the big picture.  The big picture for me is that I did decrease my fat and increase my muscle.  That is good.  Can I do better? YES! And I will do better.

I will continue to work on that goal and I will eventually get there because I have a POSITIVE MINDSET. I choose to be encouraged even though I feel discouraged.

Be Encouraged

Feeling and being are two different things.  I will not dwell on the feeling I will focus on the being.

What about you? What are you going to focus on?

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