Every woman is looking for the secret on how to take care of aging skin because we want to age well. You’ve probably tried many different skin care treatments, lotions, and creams but there’s something else to look at when looking to care for aging skin – the food you eat. When I went alcohol-free 95% of the time, I saw a big difference in my skin. It looked brighter and more vibrant making me wish I would have known this a lot earlier! But today is ALWAYS a good time to start making healthy choices for ourselves.
I started to do some research and came to find that alcohol and sugar are the two biggest food culprits that impact our skin. Let’s dive into why that is.
Alcohol and dehydration
Alcohol dehydrates you and dehydration is not good for your skin as we know. When you’re dehydrated it takes the moisture and elasticity out of your skin causing it to look saggy, dry, and wrinkly. The more you drink, the older you start to look.
For those of us who are already on the menopause journey, we know how important it is to stay hydrated since we have less water in our bodies. Because water is needed for almost every bodily function – blood circulation and lubricating joints for example – you may notice the effects of aging skin more intensely if you drink regularly.
Sugar and Aging Skin
No one likes that saggy skin look and the truth is, sugar is a big culprit in that. Here are 3 ways sugar impacts your skin:
- Damages collagen and elastin
- Affects the type of collagen you have
- Deactivates Natural Antioxidant Enzymes
Cutting out or significantly reducing your sugar intake will help your skin look more radiant. Again, today is always a good day to make a change. Although you can’t naturally reverse what’s already been done you can make changes that will slow the process in its tracks. This article has great tips on how to combat the destruction and look your best again.
What you can do to slow down aging skin
You may be consuming sugar without realizing it because it goes by so many sneaky names. Eating real, whole foods is the best way to avoid that. If you’re ready to break up with your inner sugar monster and say hello to radiant skin, go through my Sugar Habit Cure. This guided action plan will help you break the sugar addiction and cravings that sabotage you and keep you stuck!
When it comes to alcohol, if you’re looking to go alcohol-free, I’ve shared a lot of great resources from my friend, The Sober Sis. This podcast is a great place to start and in the show notes, there’s a link to her 21-day reset from alcohol to get you started.
If you want overall support in shifting to a healthier, whole lifestyle, join me in my next Balance Wellness Method starting next month.