My 5 Rules For Healthy Travel

Traveling can derail you from your healthy lifestyle at home but it doesn’t have to if you take my 5 rules for healthy travel.

My husband and I travelgood bit and for the first 3 years of our marriage, I continued to put on extra weight and had less energy.  I finally reached a place that I couldn’t do it anymore and I decided to make a change and finally lose 10 pounds that I had gained.


5 Rules For Healthy Travel


1. Drink Water

Yes, I drink lots of water!  In fact, I have started carrying my water bottle with me and filling it up wherever I go. Most airports have water bottle refilling stations and even if they don’t you can use the regular water fountain. If you only do one of these tips, choose this one.

5 Rules For Healthy Travel


2. Carry Healthy Snacks

I may go a little overboard on this but I always have plenty of healthy snacks with me in case I can not find healthy food. The airports have gotten a bit better at this but better to be prepared.  I use to get “hangry” but since I became a fat burner there is no more of that, thank goodness. Some of my favorite healthy snacks to carry are nuts, low-sugar bars, and a healthy jerky.

5 Rules for Healthy Travel - Snacks


3. Choose My Indulgences

Everything in moderation is my motto along with progress over perfection.  Since we travel so much I can not indulge in everything I want to so I choose my indulgences carefully.  For instance, I do not normally eat bread but I do make exceptions at times if it looks especially good.  I just limit myself to one or two pieces and not the whole bread basket.

If my husband orders dessert I may have a taste but I limit it to three bites.  Three seems to be the magic number for me, it satisfies me enough so I do not feel deprived.

Alcohol can be a challenge, especially while traveling.  This can put weight on quicker than anything because it not only is empty calories it can limit my ability to make good choices.  So my rule on alcohol is no more than 2 glasses of wine or cocktails 2 nights while traveling.

Summertime Drinks - Healthy Travel


4. Plan Daily Movement

Most of the time when my husband and I are traveling we are walking everywhere. We also love to ride bikes if we are in a bike friendly area. So I usually do not have to plan out my movement.  When we are in NYC it is not unusual for us to walk over 10 miles in one day.

If I have time when we are traveling I love to try out new exercise classes.  Last time I was in NYC I did a Soul Cycle class and now I know why everyone loves it so much.  But my favorite exercise class that I have taken in NYC is The Class.  If you haven’t tried it you must!!

5 Rules For Healthy Travel


5. Enjoy Every Minute

Having the right mindset is one of my number one rules for healthy travel and that means to enjoy every minute.  I do not beat myself up if I don’t do everything “right”.  I know that when I get home I can do a 24 hour fast to get me back on track quickly.

Positive Mindset

What are your rules for healthy travel?


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